A new method to prepare powdery metal nanoparticle-based catalysts
Spark ablation is a powerful method to manufacture metal nanoparticles. It is physical, dry, continuous, ligand-less, surfactant-less, and solvent-less. It can be used to create NP that are calibrated in sizde (typically 1-10 nm) and in composition (i....
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Damien Debecker is appointed Associated Editor for Chem & Bio Engineering (ACS)
Chem & Bio Engineering is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal that is publised by the ACS. It publishes significant advances in cutting-edge areas of chemical and biological engineering. The field of chemical and biological engineering faces emergin...
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JOB: we are looking for a postdoctoral candidate!
Profile: You must have a PhD in heterogeneous catalysis, or more broadly in chemistry, chemical engineering, or related fields (PhD diploma before April 15, 2024). A focus on liquid phase upgrading of bio-based chemicals is a plus. Expertise in catalys...
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A guide to lignin valorization in biorefineries
Lignin is the most abundant source of renewable aromatics on Earth; yet its enormous potential remains largely underexploited in current biorefinery and pulping processes. Most large-scale industrial processes that use plant polysaccharides from lignoc...
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Prof. Damien Debecker appointed Associate Editor of Materials Today Chemistry
Damien Debecker is now serving as an Associate Editor of Materials Today Chemistry. Under the leadership of Editor in Chief Prof. Adam Lee, Damien joins an enthusiastic editorial team for this multi-disciplinary journal focused on all aspects of mater...
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Welcome to Dr. Cédric Gastaldi, joining the group as a post-doctoral researcher!
Cédric will bring his expertise in “biocatalysis and hybrid catalysis”. He will reinforce the group and help us explore new directions of research, which may involve dehydrogenase, aldolase, transaminase, oxidase, and peroxygenase enzymes… in combinati...
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Dr. Plaifa Hongmanorom becomes an FNRS postdoctoral researcher and gets 3 more years to develop innovative solutions for CO2 hydrogenation!
Dr. Hongmanorom is a chemist from Thailand. In 2017, she received the Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) to pursue her PhD studies in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the National University of Singapore. Her past research has focus...
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Hippolyte Meersseman wins the first prize for the best oral communication at the “Club Biocatalyse en Synthèse Organique” symposium!
The 29th edition of the “Colloque du CBSO” took place on June 30 and July 1st 2022, online. This event allowed gathering the French (French-speaking) community of biocatalysis, biotechnology and biological synthesis. In her invited lecture, Caroline E....
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Podcast long format: “les catalyseurs—le Tinder de la transition énergétique”
Mon collègue, le Professeur Francesco Contino, a entrepris de réaliser une série de podcasts intitulés “Exergie: Regards croisés sur l’énergie sous toutes ses formes”. Le podcast est basé sur les interview d’experts (Lionel Dubois, Philippe Lamberts, J...
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Filippo Brienza defends his PhD on lignin depolymerization
Congratulations to Filippo for an exceptionnal PhD defense! Filippo has been working on “Extending the scope of reductive lignin depolymerization toward new feedstocks and innovative non-metal approaches“. His work paves the way to an improved valoriza...
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Damien Debecker appointed as a Chemistry Europe Fellow
Chemistry Europe, an association of 16 chemical societies from 15 European countries publishing a family of high-quality scholarly chemistry journals (including for example ChemCatChem, ChemSusChem, ChemEurJ, etc.) and the magazine ChemistryViews, anno...
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La catalyse au service du CCU (CO2 Capture and Utilization)
Petite conférence tout public donnée à l’occasion d’un séminaire organisé par Agro Louvain Alumni, à l’UCLouvain le 17 novembre 2021. J’y évoque les questions scientifiques, techniques et stratégiques liées à l’hydrogénation catalytique du CO2 vers le ...
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Margot Van der Verren gets the best PhD talk award at “The Next Generation of Biocatalysis in Bern 2021”!
Margot has presented her work on the one-step preparation of hybrid chemo-enzymatic heterogeneous catalysts, combining a zeolite and an oxidase. At the occasion of this even, organized by and for non-permanent scientists, Margot has presented the resul...
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Perspective: Hybrid Chemo-Enzymatic Heterogeneous Catalysts
In our lab, a small group of researchers is actively working at the interface between heterogeneous catalysis and biocatalysis. Our goal is to interface “chemo” and “bio” catalysts in bi-(or multi-)functional solid catalysts, with the idea to perform c...
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Valentin Smeets wins the ISGS PhD Thesis Award
Dr. Valentin Smeets has received the 2019 ISGS PhD Thesis Award on May 15, 2020 for his work entitled « New synthetic approaches to efficient Ti–SiO2 epoxidation catalysts ». This prize, granted by the International Sol-Gel Society (ISGS), awards the m...
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Interview of Damien Debecker by ChemCatChem
Damien was interviewed in celebration of his Young Researcher Award 2020, Catalysis Division of the French Chemical Society. In fact, ChemCatChem holds a Special Collection which serves to highlight the profiles of scientists who have received awards...
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