"The Debecker lab aims at developing new heterogeneous catalysts and biocatalysts, paving the way to more sustainable chemical processes. Using techniques at the interface between materials chemistry, biochemistry, and chemical engineering, our expertise lies in the preparation of innovative solid (bio)catalysts and in their evaluation in relevant conditions."
We are an international team, working on the three pillars of catalysis science: preparation, performance evaluation, and characterization. 
  • We use a variety of catalysts preparation methods to obtain oxides and mixed oxides with precise chemical, structural and textural properties, metal-based catalysts with a good control on metal dispersion, hybrid materials with desired surface functionalities, or immobilized enzymes. By exploring innovative preparation methods we develop new catalytic formulations and we fine-tune the catalysts properties in a search for new and improved catalytic performance.
  • We measure catalytic performance in the relevant reaction conditions, mimicking actual industrial or every-day life applications to assess the essential features of the catalysts: activity, selectivity, specificity, stability, recyclability. We work in various fields including environmental catalysis, biomass upgrading, biorefinery, fine chemistry, petro chemistry, chemo-enzymatic and green cascade reactions, etc.
  • We characterize solid catalysts and biocatalysts with the help of a large panel of physico-chemical techniques. We study their composition, structure, texture, surface, morphology, stability, etc. From there, we establish correlations between properties and performance.

Damien Debecker


Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences

University of Louvain

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